Individuals receive psychological evaluations for a variety of emotional, behavioral, and neurocognitive conditions. Depending on the purpose of the evaluation these assessments can include one to two clinical interviews, administration of psychological tests, completion of questionnaire data from a variety of stakeholders (e.g. self-report, parents, teachers, etc.) and a feedback session of your testing results. Currently, all appointments and testing administration are conducted via Telehealth or remotely.
Testing can help provide diagnostic clarification for the following disorders:
- Learning Disability
- Autism
- Cognitive Disabilities
- Processing speed deficits
- Working memory problems
- Poor verbal problem-solving
- Intellectual disabilities/borderline IQ
- Global Functioning Assessment
- Developmental Profile
- Personality Assessment
- Anger and aggression
- Assessments for boarding school placement
- Gifted assessments
- Parent-Child relational assessments
- Complex Differential Diagnoses
- ADHD vs. anxiety/depression
- Emotional Behavioral Diagnoses vs. Cognitive/Learning Disabilities
- Autism vs. Behavioral disorder
- Anxiety, fears, or obsessive behaviors
- Trauma and PTSD
- Relationship problems, family functioning
- Problem behaviors at home or school (noncompliance, oppositionality)
- Sadness and depression
- Social skills deficit